Bohuslav Reynek – Autumn Butterflies

Bohuslav REYNEK.
Podzimní motýli / Papillons d’automne.

Bilingual edition in French and Czech.
Translated from the Czech by Benoît Meunier.
Postface by Benoît Meunier.
Illustrations in colour: eleven engravings by B. Reynek.
Published with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Renaud-Reynek Endowment Fund (France).
Format: 12,5 x 19 cm.
96 pages. Softbound, illustrated cover.
ISBN 2-910544-18-4

“Following these autumn butterflies, the reader does not just witness the metamorphosis of an autumnal landscape. The signs are revelatory: buckets, crimson, sacrifice and the lamb, blood and death are omnipresent… the butterflies of September, wind and fog of October, memories and fading sunlight gradually give way to the first frosts of November, to cemeteries, to the dead, to the litanies of the saints: the entire collection converges on the deafening din of the Apocalypse in the Last Judgement, ending, in calm and silence, in a single, light trace left by a bird on the snow: the bird has flown away, the promise of a Return.” Benoît Meunier.